
A smoother onboarding experience


87% completion rate


UX Design Intern


Developers, CEO/Founders, Design Advisor

The challenge

Honeybee is a platform that connects people to research studies. But, people have difficulty finding research studies that they can actually take.

As Honeybee’s sole UX Designer, I was responsible for figuring out why there was difficulty. Then, through collaboration and research, I would design an optimal solution to address this.

The process

Discovering the problem

From a recent survey on user experience, we found that 30% of our users were unsatisfied with our website. 49% of these unsatisfied users had difficulty finding research studies

What makes research studies hard to find for the browsing experience?


  • Many of the options that we show are not applicable to the user

Defining a target audience

Insight from other platforms

I visited other platforms that offered health, research, or entertainment content to see how they offered personalized services.


  • These services asked questions to personalize results
  • Sensitive questions were better asked during onboarding
  • Asking questions during onboarding also fit our developer needs better

Planning the questions

Honeybee is unique in that we not only need personal interest information, but also demographic information to filter out research studies.

I looked at existing studies from other sources to see what criteria was often used to determine eligibility.

I drafted the questions based on these criteria into a question flow

Planning the answers

Since the questions are multiple choice, I needed to figure out all answer options for each question. I had 2 main considerations.

  • Include a minimal number of answer options to not overwhelm the user
  • Be inclusive and make sure all individuals will feel represented, avoid the use of the answer option, “other”

I then conducted research online for adequate answer options and added these to the flow.

The final question flow

After a few rounds of review, the final question flow was decided upon.

Key Design Decisions

  • Only the bare minimum of questions are asked
  • Removed less mandatory, highly invasive questions

Design principles

Because our target audience is extrinsically motivated, I decided on the following design principles.

Designing questions with multiple answers

The objective

    How can we encourage users to select more options and not rush through this question?

Key design outcomes

  • Bigger answer options with visual icons to gather more interest
  • Prototypical icons and text to help convey meaning
  • Vibrant colors to elicit more positive affect when you select an option

Designing the progress bar

The objective

    How can we accurately keep track of progress, what's to come, and capitalize on the feeling of progress?

Key design outcomes

  • 3 separate loading bars to represent 3 separate sections
  • The current section's loading bar is maximized
  • User is more likely to view the progress bar when it will be growing - when the user interacts with the “Next” button

Addressing general privacy worries

The question

    How can we address the right privacy worries at the right time?

Key design outcomes

  • We address general privacy worries at the beginning, so users proceed with this knowledge in mind

Addressing specific privacy worries

The question

    What if users are worried about their privacy while filling out the form?

Key design outcomes

  • An extra info button beside sensitive questions to address specific worries about how or why this information will be used



Completion rate


Profiles with collected data

Challenge: Designing for everyone

How could we design a profile builder that felt inclusive and usable for everyone? This was one of the major challenges of this project. Making the questions non-ambiguous, the answer options inclusive, and thinking about the connotations of visual indicators across different cultures. This is just a small set of the many different things I learned about when designing with inclusivity in mind. A challenging but necessary goal to have!

Looking forward: Progress bar potential

I believe a profile builder has a lot of opportunities to be fun and exciting. Moving forward, I’d love to design a similar profile builder that draws on the elements of character building in many games. In other words, how could we gamify a profile builder?

This could be done simply through the progress indicator. Making a lightbulb light up, a flower bloom, or a slime blob grow into a personalized slime. The possibilities are endless!