
Increasing revenuw with pricing page revamp


Increased revenue by 100%


UX Design Intern


Developers, Engineering manager, CEO and founders

The challenge

Our current pricing model is optimized for small-sized research labs. How can we introduce a better pricing model optimized for larger organizations?

Both customer emails and our CEO suggested a subscription pricing model. I was responsible for implementing this in a way that addresses the core issues that led to these suggestions.

The process

Researching our target audience

What unique pricing needs would large-sized research labs have that we are not optimizing for?

Discovering the problem

I analyzed our current flow to assess why it does not adequately address our problem.


  • Our current system requires many repetitive actions from our target audience and fails to consider their core need to publish multiple studies at once.

Insights from market research

Since we couldn't conduct research or testing due to our limited resources, I looked to other website examples to gain design insight.


  • Making a purchasing choice requires a lot of information juggling and thus a higher cognitive load.
  • Presenting too many interactive components at once can be very overwhelming to an already heavy task.

Design principles

Helping users make choices

The objective

    How do we help our users navigate a complex series of choices?

Key design outcomes

  • We guide the user to make the choices in our intended order
  • Present only one choice on a screen at a time unless other information or choices must be present at the same time
  • We leverage the limited height of a window to progressively display more choices and information once the user needs it

Maintaining visibility for other options

The objective

    We wanted to keep our pay-per-study system available for our small-sized labs. How can we convey that we have both subscription and non-subscription payment options?

Mid-Fi testing

Feedback Insights

  • The option for Pay-Per-Study needed to be more easily noticeable
  • Components that look similar to each other and/or are within one area are understood to all belong to one category, even despite labels saying otherwise

Final version

Key design outcomes

  • Clearly presenting different payment options in different sections prevents affiliating the two



Stabilized & Increased Monthly Revenue by 100%

Challenge: Navigating between complex choices.

An interesting challenge was posed by our complex pricing system. Not only did we have different pricing for different types of organizations, but we offered different discounts for different payment methods as well. This resulted in a complex array of choices that the user had to make. Keeping in mind which choices could be made easily, which ones should be asked first, and asking myself which pieces of information was needed when asking certain questions, helped me determine where, when, and how to structure our pricing page questions.

Looking forward: Addressing customer worries

Since designing this project, I recently came across an article discussing the worries a user may have when deciding to purchase a product. This includes: if the product is a right fit in terms of cost, time, effort, and content. I did not address all of these worries in this page. Looking forward, I'd love to at least add an FAQ to help address some of these worries. As well, if I had done a simple survey beforehand, I may have also been able to elucidate these questions as well.